
2024-05-11 23:03:00

CV-2: List L-V


1. Input here!

2. Exercise

In our daily interactions, it's beneficial to __(1)__ those who deserve respect, such as teachers or community leaders, recognizing their contributions and leadership. When we __(2)__ stories or experiences, we connect with others, sharing knowledge and understanding that enrich our communal bonds. However, while it may be tempting to __(3)__ people excessively, sincere compliments are far more valuable than empty flattery, which can lead to distrust or misunderstanding. It’s crucial to nurture genuine relationships, as without attention and authenticity, they can __(4)__ like plants deprived of water and light. This teaches us the importance of honesty and sincerity in our communication.



a) flatter b) relate c) salute d) wither